AppImages are really useful, download a single file, run it, and boom, you got yourself a new application installed! But can you install AppImages on windows? YES YOU CAN! 🤯
Installing WSL
To make everything work, we need WSL, here's a great video by Fireship!
Download AppImage file
Create a temporary directory for the AppImage
$ mkdir -p ~/tmp && cd ~/tmp
and move the AppImage file in there.
Update file permissions
$ chmod u+x
or$ chmod a+x
Extract files
$ ./app_name.AppImage --appimage-extract
Create a directory for the extracted files to live
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
Move extracted files to this new folder
$ mv ./squashfs-root/ ~/bin/app_name
Run the App!
- Run the app using the full path
$ ~/bin/app_name/AppRun
- Add the app to the path or add an alias for ease of use
example using .zshrc:alias app_name="~/bin/app_name/AppRun"
$ app_name
And there we go!