The easiest counter ever!

The easiest counter ever!

(or the simplest way to get a reactive frontend app running)


2 min read

Setting up a web app can be a tedious task, but there's a way to get up and running instantly.

Enter Pug and Petite-Vue !

All we need is to create a Pug (.pug) file.

// index.pug
// Import petite-vue
script(src="" defer init)
// Create a scoped state for petite-vue to work
div(v-scope="{ count: 0 }")
    // Display the count
    // Add a button to increment the count
    button(@click="count++") Increment

Now you can just run npx parcel index.pug to start a dev server using parcel (node must be installed).

And voilà!

parcel pug petite-vue counter.gif

A more in depth analysis

Why defer and init

The defer keyword tells the browser to wait until every HTML element is loaded before executing the script.

init is a petite-vue specific keyword which means that the vue script will be run as soon as possible (without waiting to be started manually)

The v-scope

The v-scope is the place where we define the local state. For the counter we defined a count property that is available to the element's children.

What's up with this weird . ?

When using pug, we can't use the usual syntax:

// This is not valid
span {{count}}

// This is not valid either

Pug won't understand why there are curly braces and will throw an error.


A workaround could be to write


but that's a little too verbose 😈.

So I choose to use a small Pug feature, the dot. Putting a dot at the end of a line means the children will be rendered as plain text, and that's exactly what we need.


Here is the full code snippet without comments.

script(src="" defer init)

div(v-scope="{ count: 0 }")
    button(@click="count++") Increment

Thanks for reading!